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Let’s Make An IMPACT

Chapter 4: The Consultation

Taking your next steps

In this chapter, we will be taking you through your next steps to integrating Invisalign into your practice. This chapter is made up of 6 steps.

  • Chapter 1: Getting Started
  • Chapter 2: Submitting a case to Invisalign and using IMPACT
  • Chapter 3: Scheduling and appointment sequence
  • Chapter 4: The consultation
  • Chapter 5: Aligner delivery appointment
  • Chapter 6: Interproximal reduction appointment
  • Chapter 7: Refinement “additional aligners” scan appointment
  • Chapter 8: Refinement “additional aligners” delivery appointment
  • Chapter 9: Debranding and retention

Items needed:

  1. I-tero scanner and new sleeve
  2. 2×2 gauze
  3. Air/water syringe
  4. Saliva ejector
  5. Mirror and perio probe/explorer
  6. iPhone or iPad with the Invisalign Photo Uploader App and/or a clinical camera

Step 1

At hygiene, new patient exam, or a specifically-scheduled Invisalign Consultation, scan the patient with the I-tero scanner. ALWAYS scan under “Invisalign + iRecords”


Step 2

Using either a PC or the I-tero scanner, open the patient’s scan, using “Viewer”

  1. If using a PC, go to and log in using your clinic’s I-tero login info
  2. Review the occlusogram, wear patterns on teeth, and any other dental concerns
  3. Perform an Outcome Simulator and reveal to them their new smile/bite after Invisalign treatment

Step 3

If the patient is interested in Invisalign, determine the case difficulty. There are 2 approaches to this:

  1. The doctor’s experience assessing case difficulty or
  2. Submitting the case for “Case assessment” using the Invisalign Photo Uploader App

    There will be three case assessment categories:

    1. Category 1: “Invisalign GO treatment recommendedà Typically, the focus is on anterior alignment and the posterior bite will remain relatively untreated. Estimated treatment time is <12 months = treatable
    2. Category 2: “Invisalign GO treatment possible à Along with improving the patient’s alignment, the plan includes improving their bite as well. Estimated treatment time is 12-18 months = treatable
    3. Category 3: “Refer out” à Significant alignment and/or bite correction is needed= refer to an Orthodontist
    4. If the doctor is unsure or has questions, submit the case using IMPACT and Dr. Hamanishi can review it and provide further guidance on which category of action to pursue


Although the Case Assessment tool will either recommend Invisalign GO or to refer the case to an Orthodontist, we WILL NOT be using the Invisalign GO product. The assessment tool is merely a way for the doctor to categorize the patient into Category 1, 2, or 3 (mild, moderate, severe). There should be a difference in fees for each category/case difficulty.

Step 4

Ensure all photos have been completed.

Step 5

It’s important to document your clinical findings and treatment plan. (As an optional guide/template please refer to page 24). If you’d like, this form can be incorporated into the patient’s chart as part of their records.

Step 6

Review the Invisalign process with the patient, present the relevant financial plan and hand out any other Invisalign information.

  1. Dr Hamanishi is currently working on a manual to help administrative teams with submitting orthodontic fees to insurance.
  2. On pages 33 and 34 are fee templates for Category 1 and Category 2 patients. You may wish to use these as guides.

Congratulations! You’ve Made it.

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