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Let’s Make An IMPACT

Chapter 7: Refinement “Additional Aligners” Scan Appointment

Taking your next steps

In this chapter, we will be taking you through your next steps to integrating Invisalign into your practice. This chapter is made up of 6 steps.

  • Chapter 1: Getting Started
  • Chapter 2: Submitting a case to Invisalign and using IMPACT
  • Chapter 3: Scheduling and appointment sequence
  • Chapter 4: The consultation
  • Chapter 5: Aligner delivery appointment
  • Chapter 6: Interproximal reduction appointment
  • Chapter 7: Refinement “additional aligners” scan appointment
  • Chapter 8: Refinement “additional aligners” delivery appointment
  • Chapter 9: Debranding and retention

Step 1

In 90% of cases, for the first refinement, ALL the attachments should stay on.

  1. If you determine only minor tooth movements are further required after their first set of aligners, you may decide to remove the attachments
  2. If you’re ever unsure, keep them on

Step 2

Update the patient’s photos and take a new I-Tero scan.

Step 3

Submit the case refinement under the patient’s existing Invisalign account, under “Additional aligners.”

Step 4

In the new Prescription, if you are keeping the attachments on, it is very important to select “Keep all existing attachments”:

Invisalign Scan Appointment

Step 5

In the text boxes on the following screen, please provide written instructions as to the tooth movements you/the patient are hoping to achieve with this next set of aligners. (Eg. “Please align the facial surfaces of the lower 3-3; please extrude the 24 another 0.5mm into better occlusion).

Step 6

Patient will wear the next set of aligners ONLY at night! This aligner is meant to hold their teeth in their current state until their new aligners arrive. Once the new aligners arrive and they continue their Invisalign journey, they will wear this next set of aligners 20+ hours/day again and progress through their treatment like their first set of aligners.

Congratulations! You’ve Made it.

You have now completed Chapter 7 of 9 – When you feel ready, click the link below to be taken to the next chapter.

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