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Let’s Make An IMPACT

Invisalign Training Module For Dentists

Dr. Mark Hamanishi
Chief Orthodontic Officer

Hello and welcome! First of all, I would like to thank you for showing interest in our Invisalign training module and offer my congratulations for taking the first step towards integrating Invisalign and iTero into your clinic.

123Dentist’s Invisalign Manual

123Dentist’s Invisalign Mentorship Platform and Collaboration Tool (IMPACT) and Invisalign manual are designed to help you and your team integrate and expand Invisalign within your practice.

85% of patients can benefit from orthodontics, and many of these patients can be treated with Invisalign in your office instead of being referred to a specialist. Enhancing their smiles, alleviating crowding for better oral hygiene, facilitating their occlusion, overbite and overjet to support future restorative needs, minimizing traumatic occlusion to reduce periodontal concerns- these are some examples of how patients can benefit from Invisalign. Providing teeth-straightening within your office allows patients to enjoy the comfort and convenience of receiving this care through their trusted provider, increasing the acceptability of treatment and reducing the risk of them finding a new provider.

When it comes to Orthodontics and Invisalign, I am fully committed to supporting all our partners and I look forward to providing guidance as if your patient is my own. Together, we will ensure our patients are receiving the best possible care.

Thank you for taking the time to read this electronic Invisalign manual. It will be a dynamic resource that will be updated regularly and may be useful along your personal Invisalign journey. As Invisalign continues to improve their products and services, updates will be made to this manual and will also be highlighted in our IMPACT discussion forum. 

I look forward to working with you all. Please reach out to me directly at 604-653-9004 or


Mark Hamanishi

Chief Orthodontic Officer, 123Dentist

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