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Let’s Make An IMPACT

Chapter 5: Aligner Delivery Appointment

Taking your next steps

In this chapter, we will be taking you through your next steps to integrating Invisalign into your practice. This chapter is made up of 17 steps.

  • Chapter 1: Getting Started
  • Chapter 2: Submitting a case to Invisalign and using IMPACT
  • Chapter 3: Scheduling and appointment sequence
  • Chapter 4: The consultation
  • Chapter 5: Aligner delivery appointment
  • Chapter 6: Interproximal reduction appointment
  • Chapter 7: Refinement “additional aligners” scan appointment
  • Chapter 8: Refinement “additional aligners” delivery appointment
  • Chapter 9: Debranding and retention

Items needed:

  1. Patient’s Invisalign box/kit: Template, aligners, “Treatment Overview” form, patient kit
  2. Cheek retractors
  3. Saliva ejector
  4. High-volume suction
  5. Air/water syringe
  6. Mirror
  7. Etchant
  8. Primer/adhesive
  9. Packable composite (ie. Not flowable)
  10. Micro-brush
  11. Plastic instrument
  12. Floss
  13. Slow speed hand-piece with carbide bur

Step 1

If possible, have the attachment templates filled with composite and stored in the Patient’s aligner case or in a dark container prior to seating the patient. If this is not possible, seat the patient and start to fill their templates while chatting with them about their day 😊

  1. Have the Patient’s Clincheck on the chair side computer, if possible


Step 2

Apply cheek retractors and/or any other isolation technique to achieve adequate isolation of both the maxillary and mandibular teeth. Keep the saliva ejector handy.

Step 3

Using the Invisalign “Treatment Overview” form as a guide, etch the necessary teeth for 15 secs then remove the etch with air/water and high-volume suction.

Step 4

Dry the teeth thoroughly and apply primer/adhesive to these teeth.

Step 5

Insert the maxillary template and apply firm pressure along the occlusal and buccal surfaces.

Step 6

Remove the template. Inspect the inside of the template and remove any excess flash using an explorer or scaler.

Step 7

Dampen the composite attachments inside the template with primer/adhesive on a micro-brush.

Step 8

Re-apply the template onto the teeth and apply firm pressure along the occlusal then the buccal surfaces.

Step 9

Cure each tooth for 6-10 seconds.

Step 10

Remove the template, peeling it away from the teeth, starting from the palatal side.

Step 11

**Repeat steps 3-10 for the lower dentition**

Step 12

Using a slow speed, remove any excess flash from the teeth. **This step is EXTREMELY important to ensure the aligners will fit accurately.**

Step 13

Floss between all teeth.

Step 14

Insert the first set of aligners onto the patient’s teeth.

Step 15

Have the patient practice removing and inserting the aligners themself.

Step 16

Review care instructions and provide the patient with the “The Use and Care Instructions for Invisalign Aligners” document. Also, STRESS the importance of compliance!! Without 100% compliance from the patient, they will not achieve their ideal results in the estimated time frame. (Please see page 25 for the patient hand-out).

Step 17

Review the My Invisalign App with the patient and invite them in your IDS. Please click to review the App.

Congratulations! You’ve Made it.

You have now completed Chapter 5 of 9 – When you feel ready, click the link below to be taken to the next chapter.

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