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You Are Going to Make A Difference!

iTero Team Training Modules

Jennifer Turner
Vice President, Dental Hygiene Operations

Welcome to 123Dentist iTero Team Training. Thank you to you and your team for taking the next step to elevate the patient experience and set your dental clinic apart from others. I would like to offer my congratulations for integrating iTero and Invisalign into your clinic and I want you to know that we are here for you every step of the way.

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to me at 289-213-5795 or

iTero Team Training

Many dental professionals are excited to introduce new technology while others may be resistant to change. As you go through the learning modules you will see that planning to scan each day makes all the difference in keeping your schedule flowing smoothly and having the iTero move easily from operatory to operatory.

Some clinics chose to start scanning new patients while others will come up with options to scan patients with crowded teeth, those that wear a nightguard or those that previously had ortho treatment that relapsed. Together, your team should create what is going to work best for your clinic.

This type of technology will help identify what might be missed and empower you to have more focused patient conversations, tech-forward practices, happy patients, and increased revenue.

You Got This, Let’s Go!

Once you are ready, click the button to begin.

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